Live veiling - Lot 828

ERASMUS, Desiderius

De duplici copia verborum ac rerum commentarij duo [and] Epistola [...] ad Iacobum Wymphelingium [and] Parabolae sive Similia.

Strasburg, M. Schürer, December 1514

€ 4.500 / 6.000

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4to: [4 (of 6)]-lxxii (= 72), [6], [56] ff. (without prel. index ff. 3-4) [bound with:] ANDRELINUS, Faustus - Epistolae p[ro]uerbiales & morales longe lepidissime nec minus sententiosae. Ex secunda recognitione. Ibid., December 1513. [14] ff. [and:] FILELFO, Francesco - Conuiuior[um] libri duo de multaru[m] ortu & incremento disciplinaru[m] [...] Epistola Leonardi Justiniani panegyrica. Epithome epularis Lauticie Jodoci Galli Rubeaquensis [ed. Johannes Kierherus]. Speyer, C. Hist, 1508. [56] ff. (incl. final blank) [and:] ERASMUS, Desiderius - Collectanea adagiorum veterum [...]. Addita est tabula in ipsis operis calce a Schurerio condita. Strasburg, M. Schürer, January 1518, [4]-lvii-[7] ff. (occ. minor staining or spotting).

Contemp. blindst. calf, covers with nice decorative border and central ornaments, spine with 3 raised bands with paper labels, yellow edges (rubbed, front top corner and head def., boards wormed inside, ties gone). Excellent, well-preserved copy.

1. Very rare early ed. of one of Erasmus’ major Latin textbooks that inspired humanist educational reform (e.g. the Leuven Collegium Trilingue), with the dedicatory letter to the publisher (Allen 311) in 1st ed. With verses in praise of Erasmus by i.a. Sebastian Brant, with letters to John Colet, J. Wimpfeling and P. Gillis. The Parabolae in editio princepsRef. VD-16 E-2645. - Erasmus Online 2766. - Adams E-318 & E-716. - Bezzel 738. - Muller 133-134. - Not in De Reuck. - 2. Early ed. (1st Schürer ed. 1506) of the most popular work of Erasmus’ Italian friend F. Andrelini (1462-1518), often used in teaching Latin epistolary style. Ref. VD-16 2780. - Benzing 48. - Muller 94. - Tournoy-Thoen (Andrelini) 172:27. - Not in Adams, BnF, BL. - 3. Very rare German ed. of a typical humanist work of Fr. Filelfo (1398-1481), a collection of elegant essays on various topics. C. Hist was one of the 1st German printers, active 1483-1515. In gothic type. Capital spaces with guide-letters. Ref. VD-16 F-1018. - STC German (BL) 303. - Not in Adams. - 4. Early ed. of the original version of Erasmus’ most influential work. Title in red & black within woodcut borders. Ref. VD-16 E-1919. - Erasmus Online 38. - BB II:279 E-69. - Bezzel 57. - Muller 251. - Not in Adams, BnF, BL, De Reuck.
Prov. Contemp. ms. mark "TR" on title, ms. notes and Latin quotations on title and in margins (occ. extensive), red underlinings.

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Lot 828

De duplici copia verborum ac rerum commentarij duo [and] Epistola [...] ad Iacobum Wymphelingium [and] Parabolae sive Similia.

ERASMUS, Desiderius

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