Live veiling - Lot 593
3 drawings of women.
C. 1900-1915 ?
€ 600 / 800
Live bieden (Drouot*) Live bieden (Invaluable*)Biedingen zijn afgesloten.
Beschrijving lot
Drawings, graphite pencil.
Stuck by upper edges under passe-partout.
1. Woman playing piano. 20,3 x 16,5 cm, signed (frayed esp. on left edge).-- 2. Woman lying asleep on a sofa. 14 x 20 cm, laid paper, signed.-- 3. Three-quarter view of a woman's face. 20,4 x 16,2 cm, signed (frayed edges esp. left and right).
Joined, same artist, 4 sketches, graphite pencil, unsigned (frayed edges): 1. Old woman on a couch, near a window. 16,5 x 20,5 cm.-- 2. Woman and child. 26,5 x 16,5 cm.-- 3. Couple [seated near the seaside ?]. 23,3 x 31,4 cm (tear at upper edge).-- 4. In a port, two men in bathing suits are about to board a canoe. 16,5 x 20,5 cm. (7 pcs).