Live veiling - Lot 978
[Antiquity - Rome]
Reipublicae Romanae commentariorum libri tres, recogniti, & indicibus aucti. Accesserunt [...] Sex. Iulii Frontini Commentarii de aquaductibus et coloniis [...].
Paris, J. Charron for G. & N. Gilles, 23 December 1588
€ 600 / 800
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Beschrijving lot
8vo: 5 parts, [16]-298 [= 288]-[70-2 bl.], 82-[6], 379-[21], 304-[24], 74-[14] pp. (pt. 4 bound between pts 1-2; sl. toned).
17th-c. mottled sheep, richly gilt spine with raised bands and morocco label, sp. edges. Very good copy.
Extensive treatise on the Roman Republic, with additional texts on aquaducts and on Rome’s colonies. Woodcut mark on title and part titles.
Ref. Renouard (Impr.) Charron 3. - Adams P-201.
Prov. "Ex libris Abrahami Girard 1662", probably the Abraham Girard who was "conseiller du roi aux conseils, premier secrétaire d’Henri II de Bourbon, prince de Condé, puis trésorier de France en la généralité de Bourgogne" (ms. entry on title).