Live veiling - Lot 1258



Sammelband with 4 works.

Frankfurt (M.)

Hamerprijs: € 850

€ 1.200 / 1.500

Live bieden (Drouot*) Live bieden (Invaluable*)

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Beschrijving lot

Folio (browning and soiling).

Contemp. vellum, flat spine (corners sl. def., sl. stained).

1. Quadrupedum omnium bisulcorum historia [...]. At the expense of J.D. Zunner & P. Haubold, 1647. [4]-425-[7] pp. (title and some ff. with wormtracks). Title in decorated woodcut border and 12 full-page woodcuts. Ref. VD17 3:608691D. - 2. De quadrupedibus solidipedibus volumen integrum [...]. Johann Traudt & Hans Hofer, 1623. [8]-223-[15] pp. Title in decorated woodcut border and 2 full-page woodcut pl. Ref. VD 17 1:091445B - Nissen (ZBI) 73. - 3. De piscibus libri V. et de cetis liber I [...]. K. Rötel at the expense of J. Traudt, 1640. [8]-280-[17] pp. (some wormtracks). Title in decorated woodcut border and 30 full-page woodcut pl. Ref. VD17 29:718612Q. - Nissen (ZBI) 71. - 4. De reliquis animalibus exanguibus [...]. J. Traudt at the expense of H. Hofer, 1623. [5]-192-[16] pp. Title in decorated woodcut border and 18 full-page woodcuts. Ref. VD17 1:091465Q.

Live bieden

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Lot 1258

Sammelband with 4 works.


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