Live veiling - Lot 1254


HECQUET, Philippe

Le brigandage de la chirurgie, ou La médecine opprimée par le brigandage de la chirurgie [- Le brigandage de la pharmacie [...]. Seconde partie]. Ouvrage posthume [...].

Utrecht, Sisters of C.-G. Le Fèvre, 1838

Hamerprijs: € 150

€ 100 / 120

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2 parts in 1 vol., 12mo: viii-[2]-214-22-[2]-32, [2]-110 pp. (foxing, sm. holes, also in text in quires F and G of 1st part and p. 76 of 2nd part, part. sl. age-toned).

Contemp. marbled calf, gilt-orn. spine with raised bands, red edges (sl. rubbed on the edges, tail part. missing, 3 corners bumped).

First editions of two polemical works against surgeons and apothecaries, published posthumously, following the "Brigandage de la médecine" (1732). The first part includes a "Lettre d'un médecin [= Hecquet] de la faculté de Paris sur ce qu'est le brigandage de la médecine" (22 pp.). Hecquet (1661-1737), was a famous French physician, professor of "Materia Medica" at the University of Paris, named in 1712 Dean of the Faculty of Medecine. His book collection of 2600 volumes formed the basis of the library of the Faculty.
Ref. Wellcome III:232 (printed at Paris). - Bibl. Walleriana 192. - Blake 202. - Conlon 38:493. - Not in Garrison & Morton.

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Lot 1254

Le brigandage de la chirurgie, ou La médecine opprimée par le brigandage de la chirurgie [- Le brigandage de la pharmacie [...]. Seconde partie]. Ouvrage posthume [...].

HECQUET, Philippe

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