Live veiling - Lot 250

20 Belgian prints.

Late 19th-early 20th c

€ 150 / 200

Live bieden (Drouot*) Live bieden (Invaluable*)

* 2% online commissie bovenop onze commissie van 28%

Beschrijving lot

Various techniques, 12,1 x 16,1 to 36,2 x 53,2 cm, laid, Japan, wove (Société des aquafortistes belges) paper (some spots, some margins and edges browned unevenly).

A dozen Belgian artists, such as Walter Sauer, Louis Clesse, Auguste Oleffe, Hubert Dupond, Frans Gailliard, Georges Gaudy, etc., depicting urban and rural landscapes, country scenes and scenes from Flemish legends published by the Society of Belgian Aquafortists.

Lot 250

20 Belgian prints.

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