Live veiling - Lot 480
Album with visiting cards showing mostly Belgian military men.
Late 19th c
Hamerprijs: €
€ 150 / 250
Live bieden (Drouot*) Live bieden (Invaluable*)Biedingen zijn afgesloten.
Beschrijving lot
115 visiting cards, under mounts, mostly all with ms. name on recto and/or verso, photographer's stamp on verso (spine loosening from bookblock, some mounts def.).
Kept in an ad hoc 4to-size leather embossed album, central gilt metal element, flat spine, clasps and catches.
Nice set of visiting cards with portrayed military men in uniform or decorated with medals. Some photographer's names: Ghémar Frères, Armand Dandoy, Alph. Plumier, Nestor Schaffers, F. Debon, Photographie Maes, Guérin, J. Jenicot-Daras, Ch. Peeters, Daveluy, M.&M. Dupont, Sen. Gecele, J. Etienne, Géruzet Frères, Th. Brackelaire, E. Cornelisse, Dechamps & Cie, Daveluy & Fils, Gustave, C. Goulder, Delehaye & Sluyts, C. Mitkiewice & Cie, E. de Damseaux, Gilles, Ch. Neyt, G. Vanrymenant, Mayer, Pierson & Mulnier, at Brussels, Namur, Hasselt, Ghent, Antwerp, etc. Some names of the portrayed men: Lieutenant Vanheek, Frène, Capitaine Breton, Cornesse, Meuleman, Janssens, Schaep, Thieffry, Wagenaere, Colonel de Peelaert, Stroobant, de Ravenne, Van den Burgh, Ettayez, Maillet, Général Barthels, Servaes, Neyt, Narcisse Abay, etc.