Ventes en ligne - Lot 44
Albums with political and particular personalities.
Late 19th c
Enchère de départ: €
€ 80 / 100
Enchérir via DrouotDescription du lot
4 cabinet cards and 92 visiting cards, under mounts (some mounts def.), some with ms. pencil names below and mostly with photographer's stamp on verso.
Kept in an ad-hoc 4to-size album with clasp and catch.
Cabinet cards: group portrait of the "Kaiser und Kaiserin von Oesterreich, König und Königin der Belgier, Kronprinz Rudolf und Prinzessin Stephanie" by Wilhelm Hoffmann, Dresden, and 2 distinct portraits of Leopold II and Marie Henriette of Austria by Géruzet Frères. Followed by a set of visiting cards with portraits of men, women and children: of the family de Bouteiller, some bishops and canons, etc. By a.o. Mitkiewicz, Dupont and Ghémar Frères in Brussels, Meurisse and L. Klier in Metz, Franck, Disderi & Cie in Paris, Perin & Schahl and Chatelain in Nancy, W. Damry in Liège, L. Duchatel in Tournai and A. Gilles in Namur.