Ventes en ligne - Lot 140
Historia episcopatûs antverpiensis, continens episcoporum seriem, et capitulorum, abbatiarum, et monasteriorum fundationes [...].
Brussels, Fr. Foppens, 1717
Enchère de départ: €
Prix de marteau: €
€ 100 / 150
Enchérir via DrouotDescription du lot
4to: [8]-210-[6] pp. (toning).
Contemp. sheep (rubbed, front cover loosening), gilt spine with raised bands.
Engr. ill.: front. by J. Harrewijn after Champagne, 16 coats of arms of Antwerp bishops in text (surrounded by woodcut orn. border) and 9 folding pl. by J. Harrewijn or P. Devel (1) depicting 3 plans (Antwerp, Breda, Bergen-op-Zoom) and 6 town views (churches, townhall, abbeys, ...).
Ref. de le Court, p. 488. - Barbier IV:1272. - STCV.