Live auction - Lot 336
Exoticorum libri decem, quibus animalium, plantarum, aromatum, aliorumque peregrinorum fructuum historiae describuntur. Item Petri Bellonii Observationes, eodem Carolo Clusio interprete.
[Leiden], Plantin Press (Raphelengii), 1605
€ 950 / 1.100
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Lot description
Folio: [16]-378-[9]-52-[12]-242-[1] pp. (*6 2*-3*4 missing, being the appendix; some very min. browning, some text underlined with red pencil).
Contemp. brown sheep, flat spine (rebacked, corners def., scratches on covers).
First edition of a major work on non-European plants and animals (i.a. from Asia and South Africa) by the famous botanist Clusius (1526-1609) and follow-up volume to "Rariorum plantarum historia" (1601) containing further works not published in the former. Some plant names are also given in Arabic. Ill. with an engr. title. Woodcut mark on part title and c. 275 woodcuts (96 non-botanical, mostly animals).
ref. Pritzel 1760. - Krivatsy 6767. - Wellcome I:1512. - STCN (i.a. BL).
Prov. APAB. (ms. entry on title). - Lloyd (bookpl. on pastedown). - Libr. label (pastedown).