Live auction - Lot 1226

[Medicine - Ophthalmology]


Georg Bartisch [...] Augen-Dienst, oder kurtz und deutlich verfasster Bericht von allen und jeden in- und äusserlichen Mängeln, Schäden, Gebrechen und Zufällen der Augen [...] nunmehr zum andernmal an den Tag gelegt.

Nuremberg, G. Scheurer, 1686

€ 1.000 / 1.400

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Lot description

4to: [38]-426-[16] pp.; 49 engr. on 48 pl. (front. portrait and title missing, lower corner of engr. title underl., margins of pl. 19, 20, 29, 30 underl., browned).

Half vellum with corners (lower corner front cover cracked), marbled paper on covers, flat spine.

Second edition by the German physician and court oculist to Duke Augustus I of Saxony G. Bartisch (1535-1607). Ill. with an engr. title and 48 engr. pl. (of which 2 large folding, intended to be cut up as flaps for overlays) and one woodcut, showing ocular diseases, surgical techniques and instruments. Bartisch, not academically skilled, was considered a highly experienced practitioner of ocular medicine and surgery. He produced the first Renaissance manuscript on ophthalmic disorders "Ophtalmodouleia [Greek] Das ist Augendienst" on which our copy is based. Despite his skills and knowledge, Bartisch was a superstitious individual, as he believed that magic, astrology and witchcraft played a significant part in medicine. This medieval belief is very aptly illustrated by a so called "blood letting man" next to a zodiac showing under which zodiac sign certain blood-letting could be carried out on a specific part of the body.
Ref. VD17 1:091711T. - Krivatsy 854. - Waller 754. - BnF. - COPAC. - Cp. Garrison & Morton 5817, Durling 479. - Not in Wellcome.

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Lot 1226

Georg Bartisch [...] Augen-Dienst, oder kurtz und deutlich verfasster Bericht von allen und jeden in- und äusserlichen Mängeln, Schäden, Gebrechen und Zufällen der Augen [...] nunmehr zum andernmal an den Tag gelegt.


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