Online auction - Lot 141
Historia episcopatus Antverpiensis, continens episcoporum serium et capitulorum, abbatiarum, et monasteriorum fundationes [...].
Brussels, Fr. Foppens, 1717
Starting bid: €
Hammer price: €
€ 120 / 150
Bidding via DrouotLot description
8vo: [8, incl. front.]-210-[6] pp.; 8 (of 9) fold. pl. (right upper corner of title cut out and repaired, plan of Breda missing).
Contemp. brown calf, gilt orn. spine with raised bands, red edges (sl. rubbed, head and joints sl. def.).
Early history of the Antwerp diocese (incl. part of present-day Noord-Brabant) and its capitular churches, abbeys and monasteries. Ill. with an engr. front. by J. Harrewijn after Champagne, 16 woodcut coat of arms in-text and 9 engr. folding pl. by J. Harrewyn or P. Devel (1) depicting 3 plans (Antwerp and Bergen-op-Zoom) and 6 views of buildings.
Ref. de le Court, p. 488. - Funck 333. - Barbier IV:1272. - Opac KBR. - STCV.
Prov. Sufsenaire (armorial bookpl.).